
René & Mel Turner

Changing Her Destiny

René Turner believed the hype. She was told that if she went to college she'd get a "good job." She was told that if she got a "good job," she'd be a success.

So René went to college at Georgia Tech and with a degree in industrial engineering. She landed a job right away and got to work. But, just two years later, she realized she was working bad hours, had never received a promotion and wasn't getting paid what she felt she was worth.

René quit her job, joined her husband, Mel, in his Primerica business and with hard work and persistence, realized the success she always dreamed about.

“My greatest joy is working with new people in the company who knew as little as I knew and taking them under my wing, letting them know they can do it, believing in them, teaching them the business, helping them overcome their fears and showing them how to build whatever level of success they want to have in this business,” she says.

“Primerica is the best decision I’ve ever made.”